Starting this year, Wellingen enters on the AgriPV map, through solutions implemented by the PARAPET team. We are happy to announce this newly completed project, an Agrivoltaic park with a total capacity of 5.8 MW installed in photovoltaics. Approximately 9,700 AKCome 460wp modules were installed, with vertical east-west orientation, ensuring an average annual energy production of about 5.900 MWh.
Why Agrivoltaic?
• the energy produced in the AgriPV plant is higher by 16.5% compared to a regular photovoltaic park, because the panels used are bifacial and are located on the EAST-WEST directions.
• the concentration of production is in the first and second part of the day, avoiding the middle of the day when energy generation is at full capacity, risking disconnection.
• opting for the AgriPV structure, the land can be used almost entirely for agriculture.
• the Agrivoltaic system does not affect in any way the habitat of birds and small insects in the site.